I think the rain really has me going right now because I've been giddy about the lovely weekend I spent in New York with Big Business. I decided to be a big girl and sneak off to see him without telling anyone where I was really going. Why? Because I knew that the girls would interrogate me and that Grandma would not be pleased at the thought of me fraternizing with a man overnight. Was it spontaneous? Yes. Kinda risky? Yes. Out of character? Yes. Do I regret doing it? No, at least not right now
Anywho, Big Business picked me up at the bus station and from there we went to his place in Newark. We caught up with each other on the way there and he even checked if my nails were real (don't ask, but I let him know that not a damn thing on me is made of plastic *hee hee*). I would like to think that he was excited to spend some time with the voice on the other end of the phone, at least he told me he was. He was a gentleman for the most part, even though he didn't carry my heavy ass overnight bag. I figure I'd let that small indescrestion slide. By the time we got to his place we were both tired so we decided to "turn in" for the night. Before you all start freaking out, we did NOT have "relations" that night. What did we do? Eh, maybe a little kiss here, maybe a little kiss there. Nice girls don't tell that information ;-)
The next day we hoofed it to Brooklyn and hit this Carribean spot for an early dinner (big ups to the Brawta Cafe on Atlantic Avenue. The service was horrible but the food was to die for). For some reason my nerves began to kick in while we were dining. I always get this way when a new guy comes into the picture. I get so scared and nervous that I either resort to the ol' "giggle & jiggle" or I let my playful demenor subside completely. All in all I usually end up looking like a total ditz. I started fiddling with the flower arrangement on the table before I admitted to him the I was nervous, then he kind of just looked at me and smiled & chuckled, which made me even more nervous. I'm sure that gassed his ego up quite a bit. After we ate we hit the Brooklyn Bridge and the promenade. Sadly that brought back memories of going there with Song Cry last year. The nostalgia was getting to me a bit because I wanted Big Business to hold my hand, wrap his arms around me as we strolled down Clark Street, all that cute couple-y stuff. I immediately reminded myself that Big Business and I are nowhere near the level that Song Cry and I were last year, but I think he finally caught on to all the hints I dropped him and draped his arm around me as we sat and looked out on the Manhattan skyline.
We left Brooklyn and headed for Times Square where we topped the night off with a kati roll and ice cream from Cold Stone before going back to Jersey (be a fatty and get the Apple Pie a la Cold Stone ASAP). It was cute, we had two spoons and everything. We even made a brief stop into an "adult entertainment" store. Good times were had by all. We were both so tired on the way back that we rode in comfortable silence on the PATH train. I was so utterly content with my visit, but all the while I had everything The Editor told me in the back of my mind. Was I the only girl he was thinking about? I had to be, I brought my ass all the way to New York to spend time with him. I refuse to play the fool again, so even though I'm excited about the possiblities this has I'm keeping my eyes open. I have no choice but to.
