Tuesday, December 26, 2006
As Christmas slowly becomes a distant memory and we begin to partake in all those great post-holiday sales, it's time to get ready for the glitziest bash of the season. New Year's Eve serves as the ultimate excuse to get all glammed up and enjoy a much needed glass (or 5) of liquid gold to loosen up after 364 hectic days. Your taste buds don't have to have all the fun because there are a slew of champagne-inspired beauty treats available to indulge every part of your body with a dose of bubbly. Trust me, your blood stream will thank you. So primp, preen, be merry - it's a celebration bitches...- Smashbox Eyeshadow in Champagne, $16: The name says it all! A great golden-peach shade for all skin tones that gives brown eyed gals (like myself) a little extra sparkle. This shadow also performs double duty as a brow highlighter. http://www.smashbox.com/
- NARS Highlighting Blush Powder in Albatross, $25:I'm a hard-care NARS fanatic, but I'll admit I was a bit intimidated when I first saw this highlighting powder. In the package it appears a bit pale and harsh, but after swiping it on it left behind a beautifully luminous golden glow. Get your sexy on by dusting some over your decollete and collarbone. http://www.narscosmetics.com/
- Bobbi Brown Cosmetics Shimmer Lip Gloss in Mimosa, $19: Even though this gloss smells less like its namesake and more like vanilla milkshake, your lips will look just as delectable as this shade highlights the natural color of your lips thanks to a hint of shimmer. Wear this alone or mix it with your favorite lipstick or gloss. http://www.bobbibrowncosmetics.com/
- Essie Nail Polish in Imported Champagne, $6: By itself this pearly polish is the complete opposite of the dark nail trend still in full effect this season, so layer it on top of dark polish to soften the look. Available at Trade Secret Salons.
- Bliss "Spaahh-kilng" Body Butter, $32: This festive spin on the company's best selling body butter has a light champagne scent and imparts a subtle sheen after application. Cop a tube for yourself while supplies last at http://www.blissworld.com/.
- Philosophy 3-in-1 Body Wash, Shampoo & Bubble Bath in Mimosa, $16: Unwind after the clock strikes twelve with double the bubbly - a capful of this bubble bath in your tub and, of course, a mimosa (a recipe is conveniently located on the package). http://www.philosophy.com/
- Dom Perignon Vintage 1998, $129 (750 ml): Obviously, no New Year's fete is complete without a glass of champagne. Since Cristal is SO over rated, spring for some Dom P (what true G's sip on). http://www.vinfolio.com/
*Oh yeah, please drink responsibly and all that business :-)*
Posted by *vanity kane* at 3:31 PM

Sunday, December 17, 2006
Ahh, it's good to be back! After a long, arduous week and a half of school-induced stress, I'm back with a bunch of little updates : - I got my buddy back! It turns out Slim Thug finally broke the shackles placed on him by that heffa Banshee (I named her this because she be screamin' and ain't say SHIT. In fact, that bitch has the NERVE to call me in the middle of the night and tell me to stop talking to "her man". Bitch please...). I met him though Men-stral Show back in January because he was trying to holla at me and get her to hook us up. I was still with Song Cry at the time and I had just started talking to Broken Glass, so I gave him a hard time at first. Long story short, he turned out to be pretty cool and we became friends fast (I'm sure my darling face and bangin' rack helped the friendship process, lol). Would things have popped off if we didn't have so many outside factors messing things up? Who knows. Banshee apparently got jealous of all the time we started spending with each other so she (get this bullshit) erased my number out of his phone and deleted me from his facebook and myspace friends. What a lame ass hater. Oh well, it's all good because Slim Thug and I are back to be buds again :-)- I'm slowly coming to grips with the fact that I might just be clinically depressed. Yeah...I don't really want to talk about that right now...- I hope you've noticed that Big Business hasn't popped up for a couple posts now. Considering all I've been told about him by a number of people as well as just feeling that he's not a cat I need to be dealing with right now in general, I'm nipping that shit in the bud. I'm at the point in my life where if I don't feel that spark I'm looking for, there's no need to waste my time. Besides, I haven't even really spoken to him since I went to visit him in New York last month. I've spoken to secret crush more than Big Business and I know for a fact that he has way more on his plate than Big Business does (so he need not use the "Grad school is stressful" card). - Speaking of secret crush, I finally admitted to the group who it is. Surprisingly they approve. Well, it's not that surprising, he's a really great guy who unfortunately has had one too many mishaps with shitty girls. If he hasn't gotten all the hints I've dropped thus far, he truly is the least observant journalist I've ever met ;-) One of these days I'll woman-up and actually tell him...one of these days...- I'm going home for winter break in 2 days! Praise him! LOL!- I remember why relaxed hair is SO much easier to deal with than natural hair. It's much lower maintenance, even if it means I sold out to the white man.- This whole strike ministry is for the birds. The DAMN birds! - Ciara's new album "The Evolution" is the TRUTH. Period.I'm sure all that sounded a bit scattered, but if you know me you know that's how I think anyway, lol. I'll be back later in the week with my holiday themed beauty post. Smooches!
Posted by *vanity kane* at 10:16 PM

Thursday, December 07, 2006
I don't want the miscellaneous men I encounter to think I'm naive because I don't want them to think they can pull a fast one on me.I don't want the men I care about to think I'm naive because I don't want them to think I don't have anything to offer them...
Posted by *vanity kane* at 11:42 AM

Saturday, December 02, 2006
I don't know why, but I've had this wonderfully ethereal glow about me this week. It's not the bronzer, or the Borba Skin Balance Jelli Beans I've been eating (even though I think they both may have added to the overall effect). I mean, I honestly don't think I've looked this great since I was with Song Cry. I just feel...really good right now. Even though I've been really tired and I have an obscene amount of work to the before the semester is out, I just feel good. I'm just happy in general with life right now, despite the issues I'm constantly having with the parentals, trying to lose this last 15 pounds, the struggle to find a decent spring internship and the fact that I won't be graduating until next summer.
I will admit that a certain "Stand Up Guy" could be part of the reason I've been extra pleasant as of late ;-) I'm even been blushing, and not due in part to any beauty product I could possibly dream of owning. Let's just say that even if you've known someone for quite some time, you never really know them until you talk to them until all hours of the morning just talking about everything and nothing at all. {Blissful sigh} Secret crushes can do that to a girl...
Speaking of which, I told Michael who my secret crush was the other day. He responded by saying, "Really? He can pick you up? Maybe he's been lifting weights, let me find out..." Ha ha, I guess when you usually go after a certain type people get surprised when you go outside your "box". Anywho, I better go get ready to start my day. Before I go I want to leave you with this week's "Great Moment in Uber-Glam History" (oh yeah, cop those jelli beans I was talking about earlier here - http://www.borba.net/jellis.htm):
Referring to Slim Thug in LeToya's "She Don't" video -
"He looks like a slow kid in love!", Bridgette (happy early birthday pookie!)
On that note, have a fabulous weekend!
Posted by *vanity kane* at 10:57 AM
