I don't know why, but I've had this wonderfully ethereal glow about me this week. It's not the bronzer, or the Borba Skin Balance Jelli Beans I've been eating (even though I think they both may have added to the overall effect). I mean, I honestly don't think I've looked this great since I was with Song Cry. I just feel...really good right now. Even though I've been really tired and I have an obscene amount of work to the before the semester is out, I just feel good. I'm just happy in general with life right now, despite the issues I'm constantly having with the parentals, trying to lose this last 15 pounds, the struggle to find a decent spring internship and the fact that I won't be graduating until next summer.
I will admit that a certain "Stand Up Guy" could be part of the reason I've been extra pleasant as of late ;-) I'm even been blushing, and not due in part to any beauty product I could possibly dream of owning. Let's just say that even if you've known someone for quite some time, you never really know them until you talk to them until all hours of the morning just talking about everything and nothing at all. {Blissful sigh} Secret crushes can do that to a girl...
Speaking of which, I told Michael who my secret crush was the other day. He responded by saying, "Really? He can pick you up? Maybe he's been lifting weights, let me find out..." Ha ha, I guess when you usually go after a certain type people get surprised when you go outside your "box". Anywho, I better go get ready to start my day. Before I go I want to leave you with this week's "Great Moment in Uber-Glam History" (oh yeah, cop those jelli beans I was talking about earlier here - http://www.borba.net/jellis.htm):
Referring to Slim Thug in LeToya's "She Don't" video -
"He looks like a slow kid in love!", Bridgette (happy early birthday pookie!)
On that note, have a fabulous weekend!
take care,