Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Great Moment in Uber Glam History:Ashley - You guys are on the phone with each other EVERY day, like, 5 times a day!Me - I know. It's bad actually, I was mad horny the other day and I wanted to have phone sex with him.Bridgette - ....oh my god, you guys just need to DO each other. The sexual tension is killing me....
Posted by *vanity kane* at 9:58 PM

Sunday, February 18, 2007
It's funny - every time I go back to church for the first time in a little while, it seems as though the minister's sermon is specifically for me. I don't mean that in a negative, "Why the preacher man gotta put my bizness all in the street like that?" kind of way. It's more like God saying, "Hey heffa, this word is just for you". After 3 successful therapy sessions (I recommend that EVERYONE should lay on somebody's couch and talk about their problems), I figure it was waaay past time to reintroduce the spiritual factor into my self-love equation. This morning's message just provided me with a great deal of reassurance. Through Bishop Owens, God was telling me that the reason why I've been through all I've been through is to show me that I am capable of overcoming these obstacles and inner demons (holla at 2 Corinthians 4:7-9). What doesn't kill us truly does make us stronger. Everyday I am thankful for him watching over me as well as the support system I have praying for this once self-proclaimed "tragic beauty". I just have to continue taking things one day at a time.On an unrelated note, I do want to shout out The Editor again for the sweet Valentine's Day card he sent me. Even though I was acting like a pissy baby most of the day, I really did appreciate his kind gesture and it did make me smile :-)I'll have some new beauty stuff up before the week is out. Smooches!
Posted by *vanity kane* at 9:40 PM
