Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Great Moment in Uber Glam History:Ashley - You guys are on the phone with each other EVERY day, like, 5 times a day!Me - I know. It's bad actually, I was mad horny the other day and I wanted to have phone sex with him.Bridgette - ....oh my god, you guys just need to DO each other. The sexual tension is killing me....
Posted by *vanity kane* at 9:58 PM

10:09 PM,
Charreah said........
the hotline is too HOT for me. Good luck with that:)
4:03 PM,
BKFairy said........
put my constant sexual comments on blast! lol...enough said.
3:36 PM,
so i came by looking for this scintillating blog entry you told me you were working on, and yet, here I am reading the three sentences I've been reading for 2 months. you should soooo turn in your Black blogger card! :-P